100 años de espíritu de desarrollo

MAHLE has been keeping people in motion for 100 years

Es el año 1920. La loca década de 1920 apenas comienza. Es el comienzo de una década apasionante en la que Charles Lindbergh cruzará el Atlántico, Albert Einstein recibirá el Premio Nobel, Mahatma Gandhi iniciará su protesta no violenta, se fundará Deutsche Luft Hansa AG y se inaugurará Nürburgring. Y en Bad Cannstatt / Alemania, se están sentando las bases para una empresa global: en las próximas décadas, Ernst y Hermann Mahle desarrollarán productos que se convertirán en los más vendidos y establecerán la reputación de la empresa global actual como innovadora.

Desde entonces, MAHLE se ha convertido en uno de los 20 proveedores automotrices más grandes del mundo, con alrededor de 72.000 empleados. Hoy somos pioneros en la movilidad eficiente del mañana. Nuestras soluciones innovadoras continúan estableciendo nuevos estándares en el campo de los accionamientos alternativos y en la optimización de motores de combustión interna.

Cual es nuestra motivacion? Queremos que la gente vaya de A a B de manera eficiente y cómoda. Junto a la industria, la política y la sociedad trabajamos los grandes retos de nuestro tiempo, siempre atentos a ellos. Somos los creadores de la movilidad individual sostenible. Además, como parte de la fundación MAHLE, asumimos la responsabilidad social.

Hoy y mañana. Para las generaciones futuras. Y durante los próximos 100 años.

El comienzo de una historia de éxito.
Hellmuth Hirth desarrolla motores de dos tiempos en Stuttgart / Alemania y necesita soporte comercial. Hermann Mahle comienza a trabajar el 1 de diciembre de 1920. Este día se considera el cumpleaños del Grupo MAHLE de hoy.
Los hermanos Mahle trabajan juntos.
La compañía se especializa en pistones de aleación ligera. Desde su fundación, su fuerza laboral ya ha producido alrededor de 40,000 pistones, que ahora cuenta con 200 empleados. Pero surgen dificultades técnicas. Hermann Mahle le pide a su hermano Ernst que se una a la compañía como ingeniero.
Los filtros extienden la vida de los pistones.
Cuanto más exigentes son los motores, más rendimiento se requiere de los pistones. Solo unas pocas carreteras están asfaltadas y el polvo daña los pistones. Ernst Mahle decide desarrollar filtros de aire y aceite.
El legendario pistón portador de anillo
El desgaste prematuro de los pistones de aleación ligera sigue causando problemas. La solución es el pistón portador de anillo desarrollado por Ernst Mahle. Esta tecnología todavía se usa ampliamente en la actualidad.
La empresa se convierte en MAHLE
Desde 1933, los hermanos Mahle han sido los únicos accionistas de la compañía, y en 1938, la convirtieron en una KG (sociedad limitada) con su nombre: MAHLE. El logotipo, que se ha mantenido prácticamente sin cambios hasta el día de hoy, se presenta como el logotipo de la empresa.
Dictadura. Armamento. Guerra.
La producción se dirige a "propósitos que son particularmente urgentes en una economía militar". Para 1944, el número de empleados, incluidos los trabajadores forzados y extranjeros, aumentó a más de 6,000.
Realineamiento después de la guerra
El sesenta por ciento del valor y los activos de MAHLE KG se perdieron después de la guerra. Ernst Mahle se muda a Brasil y establece una nueva instalación de producción de pistones allí. En Alemania, MAHLE cambia para reparar pistones, vagones de cremallera y electrodomésticos de cocina.
Donar a una buena causa
Los hermanos Mahle incorporan su empresa a una fundación. Sus prioridades de financiación son atención médica y enfermería, educación y capacitación, agricultura y nutrición, así como artes y cultura. El proyecto de financiación más grande hasta la fecha es el Filderklinik, ubicado cerca de Stuttgart / Alemania.
Adios a los hermanos Mahle
Alrededor de 50 años después de fundar la compañía, los hermanos Mahle renunciaron. Pueden mirar hacia atrás en el trabajo de una vida impresionante: MAHLE genera ventas de más de 400 millones de marcos alemanes, con más de 6,000 empleados.
Regreso del negocio de filtros
Su participación significativa en Knecht Filterwerke le permite a MAHLE reintroducir las actividades de filtro en su gama de productos, habiéndolas descontinuado en 1941 debido a la guerra. Como resultado de la decisión asociada de convertirse en un proveedor de sistemas, esta área de productos pronto será uno de los pilares del grupo.
MAHLE se internacionaliza
Aunque MAHLE coopera con licenciatarios internacionales, no tiene sus propias plantas en el extranjero. La primera planta en los Estados Unidos se fundó en 1975, en Brasil en 1978.
Convertirse en un socio de sistemas
MAHLE evoluciona de un fabricante de componentes a un socio de desarrollo para sistemas y módulos. Después de la adquisición de J. Wizemann en 1991 y Pleuco en 1994, la compañía también fabrica sistemas de trenes de válvulas junto con pistones, componentes de motores y sistemas de filtros.
Primeras plantas en Asia
En 1997, una empresa conjunta en India marca el avance en el Lejano Oriente. Las adquisiciones en Japón de Izumi en 1999 y Tennex en 2001 representan importantes pasos hacia adelante. MAHLE se convierte así en el mayor proveedor mundial de sistemas de filtro. En los años siguientes, la compañía expande su presencia en Asia de manera significativa.
Socio de desarrollo para OEM
En los años noventa se produjeron nuevas empresas y adquisiciones significativas en México, Brasil, India, Polonia, Italia, Corea del Sur y Japón. Esto continuó a buen ritmo en el nuevo milenio. MAHLE se convierte en un grupo globalmente activo que se ubica entre los líderes de la industria de suministros automotrices.
El primer motor completo de MAHLE
The high-speed, four-stroke in-line engine with a completely novel overall structure and aluminum design demonstrates, in impressive fashion, that MAHLE now produces more engine components and modules than any other engine manufacturer.
El demostrador de reducción de personal establece el estándar
MAHLE adquiere el fabricante de motores Cosworth Technologies, ahora MAHLE Powertrain. Dos años más tarde, en 2007, el grupo documenta la competencia de sus sistemas con un concepto de reducción de personal: la mitad del desplazamiento, la misma potencia de salida y 30% menos de emisiones de CO 2 .
MAHLE + Behr = Mehr (Más)
La refrigeración del motor y el aire acondicionado son temas importantes para el futuro, y Behr es el socio ideal. MAHLE se convierte gradualmente en el accionista mayoritario. El primer proyecto conjunto que demuestra cuánto potencial reside en la adquisición es un módulo de admisión de aire con refrigeración por aire de carga indirecta integrada. En 2013, MAHLE Behr —con sus 17,000 empleados y 38 ubicaciones de producción— se convierte en la nueva unidad de negocios de Gestión Térmica.
Aire fresco para la pila de combustible.
MAHLE se convierte en proveedor de serie para un automóvil de pasajeros con celda de combustible por primera vez y entrega módulos de toma de aire e intercambiadores de iones a un importante fabricante asiático. Desde entonces, MAHLE ha ampliado constantemente su competencia en componentes y sistemas para la celda de combustible.
Lugares de producción en todo el mundo.
Se abren y construyen más plantas en 2014 que en cualquier otro año. MAHLE ahora tiene más de 140 ubicaciones de producción. Alrededor del 20 por ciento de los más de 66,000 empleados trabajan en Asia y alrededor del 30 por ciento en América del Norte y del Sur.
Mirando hacia el futuro con una doble estrategia
Además de optimizar el motor de combustión, MAHLE está impulsando el desarrollo de conceptos de movilidad alternativos. Las adquisiciones de Letrika y Kokusan Denki representan una expansión de las actividades de mecatrónica, mientras que la adquisición de Nagares en 2017 permitió a la compañía ingresar a la electrónica del vehículo.
Vehículo concepto MEET impresiona
En 16 centros principales de I + D, más de 6,000 ingenieros y técnicos de desarrollo trabajan en soluciones innovadoras para la movilidad del futuro. Con el estudio MEET, MAHLE demuestra de manera impresionante cómo puede verse la movilidad urbana: altamente eficiente, eléctrica y también asequible.
Carga inteligente para vehículos eléctricos.
El start-up chargeBIG de MAHLE desarrolla un sistema inteligente de administración de carga para usuarios de estacionamientos de larga estadía, que puede integrarse en la infraestructura existente a bajo costo y sin trabajo de conversión prolongado. Se reciben numerosos pedidos.
Nueva unidad de negocio de electrónica y mecatrónica
Al transferir la división Mechatronics a una nueva unidad de negocios y fusionarla con las áreas de productos de compresores y bombas, MAHLE está desarrollando aún más su enfoque estratégico en tecnologías alternativas de tren motriz.

You also want to study
the years between the milestones?

MAHLE chronicle

MAHLE Greatest Hits

MAHLE has been shaping mobility for 100 years. In the MAHLE Greatest Hits series, MAHLE’s most acclaimed innovations of the past and present tell their own tales of how they promoted mobility. Then we will also take a glimpse into the future, how upcoming MAHLE innovations will contribute in our quest to shape the future of mobility.

Pistons at MAHLE come also out of 3D printers.

The ring carrier pistion

“I was the key to MAHLE’s success”

“MAHLE’s 100-year success story originates with me! Painstaking research and innovative strength have been permanent fixtures at MAHLE ever since 1920. Pistons were the company’s core business—and I, the patented ring carrier piston, was MAHLE’s first best seller!

My inventor, Ernst Mahle, was a great pioneer. He made sure that I improved the seal in diesel engines and thus reduced the wear and tear they were exposed to. That was the crucial breakthrough that significantly extended the life of an engine. It wasn’t long before I could be found on every road in the world!

Because MAHLE has always driven the mobility of the future, I too have kept on developing. I’ve never been more resilient than I am today. You can find me in vintage cars—and you’ll now also see me coming out of the 3D printers at MAHLE! Its knowledge about me also helps MAHLE to develop new products, such as solutions for alternative drives.”

The battery cooling keeps the temperature of the cell core within the optimal range.

Battery cooling

“I protect batteries for numerous vehicle manufacturers around the globe”

Batteries are one of the keys to the success of e-mobility. But they’re sensitive and need to be kept comfortable at an optimal temperature if they’re to last a long time. That’s why my arrival on the market in 2009 was such great news: I’m the world’s first refrigerant cooling solution for lithium-ion batteries!

My jacket is a cooling plate made of aluminum. There are channels inside me through which the refrigerant evaporates. This keeps the temperature of the cell core within the optimal range. I was installed in a hybrid vehicle first.

Since my world debut, MAHLE has continued to improve my design. These days, I protect batteries for many vehicle manufacturers around the globe. And thanks to immersion cooling, there’s now a new generation of battery systems that allow electric vehicles to be charged much more quickly without causing damage to the cells. With these developments, MAHLE demonstrates its innovative strength in shaping future mobility!

Thanks to TechPRO® Digital ADAS, workshop technicians can calibrate driver assistance systems in just ten minutes.

TechPRO® Digital ADAS

“Thanks to me, workshops can breathe a sigh of relief”

“I’m always on hand during the replacement of a windshield or other parts of a car on which important driving aids are mounted. These days, more and more cars are fitted with radar and cameras. This means that workshops are faced with a big challenge when it comes to resetting driver assistance systems after an accident, for example.

Before MAHLE invented me in 2018, technicians had to position a large, cumbersome panel in front of each car—and there was a different one for every vehicle model. These panels act like opticians, helping to orientate assistance systems so that they can tell up from down and back from front. As a result, calibration used to be a complex process.

When I, TechPRO® Digital ADAS, came on the scene, workshops around the world could finally breathe a sigh of relief! I combined the panels in one digital flat-screen display, which works for almost all manufacturers and models. Thanks to me, workshop technicians can calibrate driver assistance systems in just ten minutes. The number of cars with driver assistance systems will keep on increasing. This means that I’m in high demand—with customers asking for me every day.”

MAHLE MEET is a climate-friendly mobility concept.


“I showcase MAHLE’s innovative strength”

“In the future, a large proportion of the world’s population will live in cities. That means that city cars will be an important element of future mobility. MAHLE has seized this opportunity to develop a mobility concept that is both urban and climate-friendly—me!

My name is MAHLE Efficient Electric Transport, my friends call me MEET. I’m a light, agile vehicle concept with space for two people, and my design integrates MAHLE powertrain and thermal management technologies for e mobility!

From my 48-volt drive unit to my power electronics, efficient heat pump, and surface heaters through to my user interface, I showcase MAHLE’s comprehensive portfolio and innovative strength. I embody MAHLE’s commitment to play an active role in shaping future mobility.”

The intake pipe actuator is first product in the field of mechatronics that MAHLE developed and produced itself.

Intake pipe actuator

“All of MAHLE’s mechatronics activities started with me”

In truth, I am rather plain—nevertheless, I ushered in a new era at MAHLE. MAHLE’s activities in the field of mechatronics started with me, the intake pipe actuator. I’m the first product in this area that MAHLE developed and produced itself.

I make sure that the air column in an engine’s intake section resonates at the right frequency and enters the cylinder smoothly. My housing is lightweight and sturdy, and I work very precisely and quickly: I can open 90 degrees in 200 milliseconds.

Since I went into production in 2005, MAHLE has been steadily advancing in the field of mechatronics. The new Electronics and Mechatronics business unit was created at the start of 2020. This is where MAHLE has pooled all its activities in the segment and is developing the technologies of the future.

The wind tunnel creates temperatures ranging from –30°C to +50°C.

Wind tunnel

“I was a world first”

“When my creator, Manfred Behr, invented me in 1937, people probably didn’t find me outwardly attractive—but when they looked inside, I took their breath away! On the outside, I had the appearance of a modest corrugated iron shed, but inside something completely new was happening: I was a world first—the first wind tunnel anywhere in the automotive industry.

A huge fan with a 2-meter diameter simulated speeds of up to 100 km/h. My success was so groundbreaking that I even optimized the most famous race car of my time.

I’m still around today—and I’ve learned so much since I started out. As MAHLE’s climatic wind tunnel, I’ve been creating temperatures ranging from –30°C to +50°C since the majority acquisition of BEHR (in 2013). I can also simulate the position of the sun at all times of the day and generate speeds of up to 130 km/h, all of which helps MAHLE to develop the mobility of the future.”

Thanks to MAHLE X35, the e-bike is slim, elegant, and sporty.


„I gave the bicycle back its identity“

“E-bikes are one of the biggest trends in today’s mobility—there are more and more of them out on the world’s cycle paths and mountain bike trails. But thanks to the way they look, they can almost rob the bicycle of its identity. That’s because large batteries don’t just make e-bikes bulky and heavy, they also change their outward appearance. Then I came along—the MAHLE X35—and gave the bicycle back its identity!

It’s thanks to me that the e-bike is so slim, elegant, and sporty—you would hardly know that I’m a drive system. I offer users an optimum level of support. After all, as I always say, it’s not the maximum but rather the ideal performance that counts!

With my updated MAHLE X35+ compact system, I now weigh just 3.5 kilograms and provide a power output of 250 watts. What’s more, I’m digitally connected too. My app displays the rider’s pulse or how much of my electric power is being used. You’ll find me in models sold by a whole range of well-known international e-bike brands. I’m helping MAHLE play an active role in shaping sustainable mobility!”

The oil filter module is a shining example of the impressive know-how of MAHLE’s filters business segment.

Oil filter module

“I’m a revolution in oil management”

MAHLE’s success story has its origins in pistons and filters. But, in contrast to its pistons business, the company stopped its filter activities in 1941 due to the war. Then, in 1971, MAHLE made its comeback in this product area by taking a significant holding in Knecht Filterwerke.

I am the oil filter module—a shining example of the continued ongoing development work and impressive know-how of MAHLE’s filters business segment! I say that because I’m a revolution in oil management. I have many talents, keeping the engine and the transmission oil in the right temperature range as well as filtering the engine oil, of course. But I’m still lightweight and compact.

I made my debut on the market in 2010 and can be installed in almost any car—even in hybrid vehicles. I demonstrate MAHLE’s innovative strength in the filters business segment!

The onboard charger helps to significantly prolong the life of the battery.

Onboard charger

“I charge electric vehicles quickly anywhere”

For e-mobility to become established on our roads in the long term, it must be possible to charge electric vehicles quickly and in any location. So that this can happen anywhere, MAHLE developed me: the onboard charger.

Thanks to me, electric vehicles can be charged at any power outlet. That’s because I turn alternating current into direct current and manage the charging process. By doing this, I help to significantly prolong the life of the battery. Because I’m robust and have a clever cooling system, I also facilitate short charging times at higher capacities.

I still have a lot more to offer—and MAHLE, an active driving force behind future mobility, is set to unlock this potential. For example, I will be able to help electric cars not only consume energy but also become electricity suppliers using a smart battery.

The air intake module was the first project that MAHLE and BEHR worked on together.

Air intake module with integrated charge air cooling

“I’m the innovative result of outstanding teamwork!”

Together, MAHLE and BEHR are greater than the sum of their parts! I was the first to prove the truth of this maxim. In 2011, I was the first project that MAHLE and BEHR worked on together: the air intake module with integrated indirect charge air cooling.

What’s special about me is that my charge air cooler—produced by BEHR—is integrated directly in the intake pipe—produced by MAHLE. This means that not only do I reduce pressure loss, and therefore boost efficiency, but I also create more installation space and increase cooling capacity.

I’m a major success story! Because I represent an important step forward in the development of modern combustion engines, I’m now the market leader and installed in vehicles around the world. And, thanks to the combined expertise of MAHLE and BEHR, I’m the innovative result of outstanding teamwork!

The high-voltage motor is a sustainable drive concept that is ideal for electric vehicles.

The magnet-free high-voltage motor

“I don’t need any rare earth elements, so I’m very sustainable”

Electric vehicles will be an important part of future mobility. Because they need to be sustainable, suitable for everyday use, and cost-effective, MAHLE developed a drive concept that’s ideal for a wide range of electric vehicle types—me!

I’m the magnet-free high-voltage motor, and I can be used in anything from subcompacts through commercial vehicles. I’m particularly noted for the fact that I get along fine without magnets. That makes me more sustainable, because I don’t need any rare earth elements. What’s more, the way I operate means that electrical current is transmitted with no wear, and I’m also efficient in the partial-load range.

I plan to go into series production very soon, and I’ll be produced by our newly established Electronics and Mechatronics business unit. I’m helping MAHLE play an active role in shaping sustainable e-mobility!

The humidifier receives funding from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi).

Flat membrane humidifier for fuel cell vehicles

“I’m an example of MAHLE’s great innovative strength”

Supplying air to a fuel cell is extremely challenging. That’s because, unlike in a combustion engine, the air also needs to be humid so that the system works smoothly and efficiently. My role as the flat membrane humidifier is to ensure that the moisture content in the air is just right—protecting the fuel cell against damage!

I’m an example of MAHLE’s great innovative strength. I’m compact and robustly built, and I always keep the supply air at the optimum humidity level. I’m so innovative that I even receive funding from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi)!

MAHLE has been working on my development since 2017, with everything coming together in the fuel cell project house, and I’m set to go into series production in 2023. I’m helping MAHLE play an active role in shaping a key powertrain of the future!

The valve train helps engines to reduce their pollutant emissions.

Valve train system

“I am the lungs of the engine”

“If you were to think about the components in an engine as organs, then I’d be its lungs. That’s because I make sure that the engine breathes in the right amount of fresh air for the combustion process at the right time and breathes the burned air back out again.

I’m the valve train, and I’ve been a key part of the MAHLE portfolio since the acquisition of Wizemann (in 1991) and Pleuco (in 1994). When I joined the company, MAHLE greatly expanded its wide-ranging knowledge base covering all aspects of the engine—and the team has kept on developing me.

I’m very flexible nowadays, and my perfect timing allows me to help engines reduce their pollutant emissions, consume less fuel, and yet still deliver a higher performance.”

The E-compressor is the beating heart of the air conditioning and refrigerant circuit.

Con el enfoque en nuestro capital humano, trabajamos para construir una compañía más diversa e inclusiva, creando oportunidades de desarrollo para personas con discapacidad y jóvenes al comienzo de sus carreras.

Nuestra misión es promover relaciones activas y continuas con las comunidades vecinas. Creemos en el poder que tenemos como sistema y como individuos para cambiar realidades e influir en las nuevas generaciones para un futuro diferente y mejor. Por este motivo, consideramos que nuestras inversiones son un incentivo para la participación voluntaria de nuestros empleados en proyectos y acciones sociales respaldados por MAHLE.

Trabajopor inclusión y respeto por las diferencias